With a mission to advance our state economically and culturally by investing in a creative Texas, the Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) strives to help artists, arts organizations and arts interested groups achieve their goals. This includes helping individuals (artists, administrators, and audience members) find opportunities and resources, helping organizations with professional advancement and development (for staff and board members), and helping communities develop their cultural assets. The easiest way to access these services is to contact TCA and ask for advice.


TCA can help you through direct assistance:

  • TCA staff expertise (phone/email/in-house/on-site)
  • TCA gatherings
  • online original content
  • publications
  • webinars

TCA can help with indirect assistance including referrals, and in some cases, grants to help offset costs:

  • outside consultants
  • classes in community
  • conferences
  • workshops
  • service organizations (local, state, regional)
  • other state agencies

Topics that TCA can address directly, through referrals or through grants include:

  • audience/community development
  • board/leadership development
  • creating a new work
  • marketing/PR assessment/development
  • cultural tourism assessment/development
  • cultural district assessment/development
  • curating/jurying
  • directing/choreography/conducting
  • expertise as a speaker/panelist
  • lecture/demonstration/master class
  • organizational planning/development
  • program/event
  • planning/development
  • staff development/training
  • technical services