Texas has the nation’s largest rural population, with more than 3.8 million rural residents. Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) recognizes that arts and cultural activity is thriving all across our state. We also know there are challenges in getting our services to rural communities. There are very few nonprofit arts organizations in rural communities and the ones that do exist may not be aware of their opportunities with TCA and other funders. We have opportunities designed to serve these communities and are interested in ways to better serve rural Texans.
TCA offers a program to provide affordable ($150 on up) high-quality artists who are willing to travel to these communities to perform. TCA maintains a searchable list of these artists called the Texas Touring Roster. Artists of all disciplines and genres compete for the chance to be part of the roster. Nonprofits of all kinds may apply to TCA for a portion of the cost of bringing these artists to their community. It is a simple application process based on the dates of the performance. To apply, get set up with an online account and visit with TCA Program Staff.
For ideas on how to use the Texas Touring Roster, watch this video:
Also in rural counties where there is a lack of art organizations, TCA will allow governmental or nonprofit organizations that have a record of providing quality arts programming in their community to be considered Rural Arts Providers. These organizations may be libraries; parks and recreation departments; schools; chambers of commerce; Main Street programs; other nonprofit organizations; or departments of municipal, county, state, or federal government. Rural Arts Providers can apply for Arts Respond Project grants. Contact TCA Program Staff if you are interested.
If you are considering making the arts an economic driver in your community, contact TCA Program Staff and they can help you get started. We have knowledgeable staff that can help you start a festival, bring arts into your schools, develop a Cultural District, and more.