
Mother Falcon is a symphonic rock band from Austin, TX, known for their wide-ranging instrumentation and collaborative songwriting. Founded in 2008, the group includes a collective of musicians including players of strings, horns, guitars, pedal steel, and percussion. Embraced by Austin, Mother Falcon garnered national attention in 2013 and has since been touring the US and Canada performing original music, and performing an original score commissioned by Lionheart Youth Theatre in collaboration with Glass Half Full Theatre. The band has also collaborated with artists including Ben Sollee, Amanda Palmer, Kaki King, and Gina Chavez. In 2019, Mother Falcon was awarded the B. Iden Payne Award for Best Original Score for American Blood Song, written in collaboration with Austin’s Trouble Puppet Theatre Company. Over the last 8 years, the band has been running the Mother Falcon Music Lab, an educational program designed to empower students to be creative with the skills they have through collaboration in music and media. Players of all instruments and abilities become members of multi-instrumental bands and collaborate to write an original song. Different workshops allow students to expand their creativity and perspective, including logo design, DIY screen printing, analog and digital recording, podcasting, photography, and animation. Photo by Alexandra Galewsky.

Additional information



Contact name

Diana Burgess

Contact address

1401 West 40th street Austin TX 78756

Phone 1


Phone 2

Public performance

$2500 – $10000

School performance

$1200 – $4000

Workshop fees

$500 – $2000

Travel per diem lodging

$1500 – $3000




Special audiences

Festivals, Hands-on activities, Libraries, People with disabilities, Schools, Seniors

School audiences

Elementary, High, Middle, Pre-K

Venue size

Larger, Medium, Smaller, Unplugged, Very Large

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