The Texas Travel Industry Association (TTIA) is a nonprofit organization made up of businesses, organizations, associations and individuals dedicated to developing Texas tourism to its fullest potential.
TTIA Membership is open to any individual or organization with an interest in developing tourism in Texas. Included in this group are: accommodations, airlines, attractions, campgrounds, convention and visitor bureaus, chambers of commerce, publications, public relations and advertising firms, regional groups, restaurants, suppliers to the tourism and convention community, travel agencies/clubs, tour operators and more. TTIA offers a number of programs that benefit anyone working in tourism in Texas, including:
Annual Texas Travel Summit
- Each September, more than 600 delegates attend this four-day event that offers many educational sessions, round table discussions and a trade show.
Annual Unity Dinner
- Provides the tourism community with an opportunity to show strength to government decision-makers and celebrates the importance of tourism as a major growth segment of the Texas economy. Held every February in Austin.
Brochure File Folder
- Cooperative member marketing effort that is distributed to more than 8,000 travel agents, writers, tour operators and AAA markets in the U.S. and
TTIA Membership Directory
- Annual listing of all active TTIA members, with contact information along with a calendar of important events.
- Cultural Tourism Committee open to all members
TTIA Publications
- Texas Explorer, a monthly newsletter
- Grant Writers and Guide to Grant Writing
- Marketing Starter Kit
TTIA Web Sites
- for members and industry information
- for Texas tourism and travel information
- is a comprehensive Texas travel guide
TTIA Membership form is available online:
Texas Travel Industry Association
812 San Antonio Street, Suite 401
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: 512-476-4472