Directing a proposal only to the most appropriate funding entity is your first responsibility. Be sure you can explain exactly why you’ve selected a particular- foundation or corporation that you plan to approach.
What Are You Looking For?
Give some thought to all aspects of your program. Do research based on a realistic appraisal of the type of funder that will most likely to be interested in your project. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is the major subject concern of your organization?
2. What additional subject areas are you involved in?
3. What is the main subject focus of this particular proposal?
4. What related subjects does the proposal deal with?
5. What population groups are served by your organization?
6. What population groups will benefit from this proposed project?
7. What type of support are you seeking (i.e., general purpose, building funds, etc.)?
8. What geographic area will be served by the project?
9. Will the project have any impact beyond the community where it will be operated?
10. How much money will the project cost in total?
11. Do any of my board members, volunteers or staff know staff, trustees, or other individuals at a corporation or foundation?
12. What are the major foundations or corporations located in the immediate region?