Board Responsibilities:
A. Determine the purpose or mission
- This statement is the foundation for all future decisions.
- The strength of the organization is determined by the merit and focus of its mission and the commitment of its members.
- One clear, concise, focused, and unambiguous statement can spell success or failure for the organization.
B. Establish plans
- Determine what to accomplish. Indicate how and when it is to be accomplished. Name those responsible for achieving it.
- Create an efficient and effective operating structure. Establish standards and criteria for evaluation.
C. Determine the budget and monitor financial affairs
- Policy is written in the budget. Those functions with the highest priority should be the most adequately funded.
- The budget must balance, and a reserve fund should be established and maintained.
- The budget should be presented in a manner that enables governance rather than masking it.
D. Employ and supervise the executive staff
- After determining the purpose, the selection of the executive staff is the most important decision made by the board.
- The executive staff will become the personification of the organization. Choose wisely, and support the choice.
E. Adopt policies and approve programs
- Assure compatibility of policies and programs with the purpose or mission.
- Align the policies and programs with the priorities and resources of the organization and with the needs of the community.
F. Be directly involved in fundraising
- Be directly involved in raising funds to support the organization’s needs, programs, and policies.
- Support programs, projects, and administration with donations of time, money, and ideas.
G. Evaluate and report on activities and uses of funds
- Each project should be reviewed and evaluated after it has been completed, and the entire operation should be evaluated at the end of each year.
- An annual report indicating accomplishments and future plans plus the sources and uses of funds should be published and widely distributed
H. Renew itself
- The board has a special responsibility to seek and nurture new talent and perspectives. Continuity is to be maintained but not at the expense of vigor and growth.
Board Roles
A. Fulfill the Law
- Operate in keeping with the charitable purpose for which the organization was incorporated
- File annual reports with the state
- File federal income tax returns and appropriate wage and tax statements
- Pay payroll and social security taxes for employees
- Fulfill contracts
B. Be Accountable
- To the government
- To funders
- To members
- To each other
C. Assure the Financial Well-being of the Organization
- Raise funds
- Develop and adopt annual budget
- Oversee financial management
D. Govern and Lead
- Plan for the future of organization
- Develop and define policies
- Manage board development
- Oversee executive director
E. Represent the Community