A job description is prepared for committee chairs, committee members with specific jobs, and other volunteer positions as needed. Ideally, a job description is provided to the prospective volunteer before he/she is asked to make a commitment.
1. Name or title of the volunteer job/position.
2. Brief general description of the position, including:
A. Purpose and how it relates to the goals and objectives of the organization.
B. Primary responsibilities
C. Expected results3. Qualifications required to perform the job well
(Skills, knowledge, and/or experience; include physical requirements, if any)4. Time required, including:
A. Number of hours per week/month
B. Length of commitment
C. Expected starting date5. Name of person to whom responsible
6. Support system provided by the organization:
A. Budget
B. Meeting space or other space provided
C. Orientation/training required and by whom provided
D. (If applicable) staff person assigned to work with the volunteer or group
From the Missouri Association of Community Arts Agencies
Filebox Organizational Development Manual and Legal & Financial Primer