ABC Arts Organization
1234 Some Street
Your City, Texas 77777
Phone: (888) 797-8888
On August 12, the City Council will discuss budget issues including an amendment that would limit how arts and cultural organizations can spend Hotel Motel tax funding.
Please contact City Council members prior to the meeting and tell them you do not support this proposed amendment. Their names and phone numbers are:
Mayor Mary Alice Smith 777-3333
Mayor Pro Tem Bert Thompson 777-4444
Council Member Carol Richards 777-5555
Council Member Dorothy Jones 777-6666
Council Member Edward Black 777-7777
Council Member Fiona King 777-8888
Please attend the meeting on August 12th at 7:00 pm at City Hall room 2.101. If you plan on testifying on this issue, you will want to arrive at 6:45 pm to allow time to fill out the public comment form.
Together we can make a difference.
Gerald Johnson
Chairman of the Board
ABC Arts Organization
Adapted from
South Dakotans for the Arts Community Arts Handbook