• Program purpose, goals, objectives
  • Projected budget
  • Actual budget
  • Bookkeeping records of financial transactions
  • Timeline (original projected timeline and actual)
  • Copies of all essential correspondence (letters, memos, form letters, information sheets)
  • Contracts
  • Literature about artists and other participants (brochures, resumes)
  • Brochures or printed pieces (retain a certain number of copies for posterity, future funding proposals, etc.)
  • List of key contacts: address, phone, why contacted, results of contact, recommendations for working with each person
  • Mailing lists
  • Site requirements list
  • Sign requirements list
  • Procedures unique to the program (how to obtain insurance for gallery exhibitions)
  • Volunteer needs
  • Copy of press releases, public service announcements sent to media
  • News clippings from newspapers, newsletters, magazines; dubs of radio and TV public service announcements; talk shows, news coverage
  • Video documentation
  • Photo documentation
  • Completed evaluations from artists, audience, and other participants
  • Attendance figures
  • Your final written evaluation report
  • Anything else that helps to make the program understandable to future planners

Adapted from
Arts Extension Service Fundamentals of Local Arts Management