
Percussion dynamo Henry Brun has accumulated over 896 recordings, which include GRAMMY and Latin GRAMMY Awards, Univision Premios a La Musica Latina, and multi-platinum recordings. His body of work includes original compositions, radio and television commercials, motion pictures, features on Televisa’s ‘Raza de Campeones,’ Austin City Limits Live, Black Entertainment Channel, and a documentary produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation, to name a few. In 1990, Henry created the Latin Playerz to express his passion and conviction of world rhythms. His music covers a cavalcade of Latin styles, ranging from the slow tempo of a Cuban cha-cha and the more upbeat mambo to the conga and rumba, guanguanco, songo, charanga, son montuno, timba, and messenger rhythms. The band integrates these with rhythm and blues, swing, and straight-ahead jazz. They’ve become a touring force, popular in the United States and around the world. Past performances include concerts and educational workshops in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Texas, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Chicago, Louisiana, Taiwan, South Korea, Montreaux Jazz Festival in Switzerland, Jazz a Vienne in France, and many more. As a percussionist, his increased popularity has placed him in demand nationally and internationally, in all genres of music. Photo by Al Rendon.

Additional information



Contact name

Henry Brun

Contact address

PO Box 12545 San Antonio TX 78212

Phone 1


Phone 2



Public Performance

$3, 000 – $5, 000

School performance

$3, 000 – $5, 000

Workshop fees

$300 – $1, 000

Travel per diem lodging

$500 – $1, 500


San Antonio


Special audiences

Festivals, Hands-on activities, Libraries, People with disabilities, Schools, Seniors

School audiences

Elementary, High, Middle, Pre-K

Venue size

Larger, Medium, Smaller, Unplugged, Very Large

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